Cezar Vasilescu - Curriculum Vitae


Professor, PhD, eng


Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies (DRESMARA), Brasov, Romania



  • PhD. in Engineering Sciences, specialization Computer Science, Military Technical Academy, Bucharest, Romania (2006);

  • Engineer diploma, Electronics and Informatics, Military Technical Academy, Bucharest, Romania (1997);

  • B.Sc., Air Force Academy, Brasov, Romania (1988);

  • Training course Resource Management Educational Programme, NATo School, Oberammergau, Germany (2013);

  • Postgraduate course Defense Resources Management for Senior Officials, Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies (2011);

  • Postgraduate course Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Evaluation System, Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies (2010);

  • Postgraduate Advanced Management Program, Information Resources Management College, National Defense University, Washington D.C., USA (2003);

  • Chief Information Officer (CIO) Certification, US Department of Defense, National Defense University, Washington D.C., USA (2003);

  • Postgraduate course Defense Resources Management for Senior Officials, Regional Center of Defense Resources Management (2001).

  • Training on-line course "Resource Management in NATO", Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies (2013).

Main published books

  • “An Introduction to Enterprise Architecture: Creating the Foundation for Organizational Transformation”, National Defense University "Carol I" Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013, ISBN

  • “Software utilizat în Managementul Proiectelor - Curs universitar”, National Defense University "Carol I" Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013, ISBN

  • “Enterprise Architecture: From a Strategic Outlook to an Operational View”, National Defense University "Carol I" Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013, ISBN

  • “Managementul Resurselor Informationale: Manual didactic universitar”, National Defense University "Carol I" Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013, ISBN

  • “Information Technology (IT) Capital Planning”, National Defense University "Carol I" Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012, ISBN 978-973-663-978-4

  • “Actual Reliability Issues of Command and Control System within Romanian Air Force”, Transilvania University Publishing House, Brasov, 2009, ISBN 978-973-598-463-2

  • “Information Management”, Military Technical Academy Publishing House, 2006, ISBN (10) 973-640-094-8, ISBN (13) 978-973-640-094-0

  • “Information Technology for Management”, Regional Center of Defense Resources Management Publishing House, 2001, ISBN 973-85083-5-5

  • "An Introduction to Information Resources Management", in "Defense Resources Management", pages 42-78, National Defense University "Carol I" Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012, ISBN 978-973-663-991-3

  • “General Notions Regarding the Using of Computers in Managerial Activities”, in Defense Resources Management Handbook, volume 4, pages 199-203, 2003, ISBN 973-85083-0-4, ISBN 973-85083-4-7

  • “Using Specialized Computer Programs for Defense Resources Management - The Defense Resource Management Model”, in Defense Resources Management Handbook, volume 4, pages 204-210, 2003, ISBN 973-85083-0-4, ISBN 973-85083-4-7

Articles / studies published in international journals recognized by the Scientific Research in Higher Education National Council (CNCSIS)

  • “E-learning Behaviors and their impact on Andragogy”, Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Conference "eLearning and Software for Education", Bucharest, April 25-26, 2013, pages 126-137

  • “Challenges of Integrating Learning Games into e-learning Environments”, Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Conference "eLearning and Software for Education", Bucharest, April 25-26, 2013, pages 126-137

  • “Modeling the Reliability of C4ISR Systems Hardware/Software Components Using an Improved Markov Model”, Review of the Air Force Academy, the Scientific Informative Review, Vol IX, Issue 2(21)/2012, ISSN 1842-9238

  • “Change Leadership for Process Improvement”, Revista Academiei Fortelor Terestre, vol. 17, issue 3(67), pages 326-334, October 2012, ISSN 2247-840X

  • “Cyber Attacks: Emerging Threats to the 21st Century Critical Information Infrastructures”, Defence & Strategy Journal, vol. 12, issue 1, pages 51-60, June 2012, University of Defence, Czech Republic, ISSN 1802-7199

  • “Strategic Airlift Capability: From theory to practice”, Journal of Defense Resources Management, vol. 2, issue 2, pages 67-76, October 2011, Military Technical Publishing Center, ISSN 2068-9403

  • “E-Government Adoption - An objective need or fashionable tendency in organizational transformation”, Proceedings of the 6-th International Conference on Knowledge Management: Projects, Systems and Technologies, ISSN 2069-1920, Bucharest, Romania, October 27-28 2011, pages 93-98

  • “Understanding Information Management: An analysis upon web-based information credibility” , Review of the Air Force Academy, the Scientific Informative Review, No. 2(19)/2011, ISSN 1842-9238

  • “Effective Strategic Decision Making”, Journal of Defense Resources Management, vol. 2, issue 1, pages 101-106, April 2011, Military Technical Publishing Center, ISSN 2068-9403

  • “Integrating Information Security in an E-Learning Environment”, Proceedings of the 7-th International Scientific Conference proceedings “eLearning and Software for Education”, Bucharest, April 28-29 2011, ISSN 2066-026X, pages 70-75

  • “Equality and e-Quality in Education - Worlds Apart or Clicks Apart?”, Proceedings of the 7-th International Scientific Conference proceedings “eLearning and Software for Education”, Bucharest, April 28-29 2011, ISSN 2066-026X, pages 95-101

  • “Modeling the Reliability of Information Management Systems based on Mission Specific Tools Set Software”, Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, Volume 5, No. 1 - 30 March, 2010, ISSN 1842-4562

  • “Applying Decision Theory techniques to Information Security related decisions”, Review of the Air Force Academy, the Scientific Informative Review, No. 1(16)/2010, ISSN 1842-9238

  • “Optimal Redundancy Allocation for Information Management Systems”, Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, Volume 2, No. 1 - 30 March, 2007, ISSN 1842-4562

Articles / studies published in the reviews of national / international scientific conferences

Author of over 30 scientific studies, as follows:

  • "Cloud Computing - A Potential Paradigm Change in Information Management", The 7th International Scientific Conference “Defense Resources Management in the 21st Century” Braşov, November 15th 2012, ISSN 2248-2385

  • "General Enterprise Architecture concepts and the benefits for an Organization", The 7th International Scientific Conference “Defense Resources Management in the 21st Century” Braşov, November 15th 2012, ISSN 2248-2385

  • "Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) - Past, Present and Future in the Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies Educational Endeavor” and "An Overview of Searching and Discovering Web Based Information Resources”, Journal of Defense Resources Management, No. 1 / Sept. 2010, Military Technical Publishing Center, ISSN 2068-9403

  • “Aspects Regarding Risk Management and Critical Infrastructure Protection“ and “Probleme actuale privind protectia infrastructurilor informationale critice in Uniunea Europeana”, The 6th International Conference STRATEGIES XXI “European Security and Defense in the Context of the Economic and Financial Crisis” “CAROL I“ National Defense University Bucharest, 15 - 16 April, 2010, ISBN 978-973-663-809-1 (general), ISBN 978-973-663-823-7

  • “The advantages and disadvantages of implementing the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System”, Workshop: The Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Evaluation System: Advantages and Challenges", Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies (DRESMARA), Brasov, 10-11 March 2010, ISBN 978-973-663-836-7

  • “Protecting the Privacy of Personal Health Information”, Workshop: ‚‚Information Security Management - Trends and Opportunities", DRESMARA, Brasov, 28-29 January 2010, ISBN 978-973-663-831-2

  • “Securitatea informationala si managementul riscului - O abordare economica”, The 4th DRESMARA Annual Scientific Session with international participation : “Integrated Defense Resources Management Impact on International Missions Accomplishment and Its Synthetic Indicators-Based Assessment", Brasov, 20 November 2009, ISBN 978-973-663-803-9

  • “Evolutii pe piata muncii in societatea informationala”, Round table: "Algorithms for Quantifying Workforce Requirements of Undergraduates”, DRESMARA, Brasov, 10 June 2009, ISBN 978-973-663-771-1

  • “Trends and Advances in the Information Assurance Analysis Using Synthetic Evaluation Metrics”, The 3rd DRESMARA Annual Scientific Session with international participation : “Integrated Defense Resources Management impact on International Missions accomplishment and its synthetic indicators-based assessment”, Brasov, 21 November 2008, ISBN 978-973-663-70-1

  • “The present and future of e-learning technologies”and “Effects of distance learning on educational institutions”, The 3rd International Symposium “Efecte ale invatarii continue asupra pietei muncii si competitivitatii organizatiilor”, Spiru Haret University, 20-21 June 2008, ISBN 978-973-163-263-6
  • “Influenta conceptului de planificare bazata pe capabilitati a apararii asupra sistemelor de management al resurselor informationale”, Round table: “The creation of integrated defense resources management alternatives in accordance with the NATO and EU integration challenges”, DRESMARA, Brasov, 28 May 2008, ISBN 978-973-663-699-8

  • “Managing Information Resources - A comparison between US and Romanian Legislative Framework”, The annual Scientific Session with international participation “ XXI Strategies ”, National Defense University „Carol I”, Bucuresti, 17-18 April 2008, Section 7: Informational systems, ISSN-1844-3095
  • "Chief Information Officer (CIO) Position. Necessity and actuality from an integrated defense management perspective", DRESMARA Annual Scientific Session ”Integrated defense resources management. Necessity, actuality and perspectives”, Brasov, 14 December 2007, ISBN 978-973-663-686-8
  • “The concept of Network-Centric Warfare and its influence upon the National Security Strategy”, The annual Scientific Session with international participation “ XXI Strategies ”, National Defense University „Carol I”, Bucuresti, 12-13 April 2007, Section 6: Informational systems, ISBN 978-973-663-551-0 (general), ISBN 978-973-663-522-9

  • Optimal reliability allocation of specific sets of application software instruments within C4ISR systems” and The security architecture of C4ISR systems, The 10th Scientific Session with international participation"Leadership and management in 21st century", Section Thechnical sciences, subsection Modelling & simulation, e-learning and computer science, Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, 24-26 November 2005, ISBN 973-7809-29-7

  • “A Framework for C4ISR Systems Architecture” and “Contributions to the field of C4ISR systems reliability modeling”, The 31st Scientific Session with international participation “Modern technologies in 21st century”,  Section Modelling & simulation, e-learning and computer science, Military Technical Academy, Bucuresti, 3-4 November 2005, ISBN 973-640-074-3

  • “Critical Analysis of the Prerequisites of the Total Quality Management Success/Failure Rate”, Interdisciplinary international conference “Creativity in science and technique”, Bucuresti, 25-26 February 2005, ISBN 973-663-165-6

National Research projects

Member in the research team

  • Integrated Defense Resources Management Impact on International Missions Accomplishment and Its Synthetic Indicators-Based Assessment, 2007-2008

  • “Strategies, systems, methods and instruments for knowledge management in universities“, 2007-2008

  • NATO compatible virtual educational environment in the field of defense policies and strategies“, 2005-2006

International Research projects

National project manager

  • “ Development of CIO Concepts and Curricula with Coalition Partners” - The creation, development and organization of the educational training program in the field of information resources management dedicated to Romanian, PfP and NATO military and civilian, in collaboration with National Defense University Washington DC, USA / Information Resources College and the Partnership for Peace  Information Management System, 2005-2006


  • Chief Information Officer (CIO) certification, issued by US Department of Defense

  • Member of IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Romanian Section

  • Member of the Research Center  on Defense Resources Management / DRESMARA

  • Editor-in-Chief - Journal of Defense Resources Management (JoDRM)

  • Member of the Editorial Board - Economics and Management Journal, released by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Defense, Brno, Czech Republic

Training courses

  • Check Point NGX VPN-1/Firewall-1 Administration Training Course, Budapest, Hungary (2002);

  • Microsoft certified courses:

    • Designing a Secure Microsoft Windows 2000 Network (2150), Bucuresti (2002);

    • Implementing Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional and Server (2152), Bucuresti (2002);

    • Implementing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure (2153), Bucuresti (2002);

    • Implementing and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services (2154), Bucuresti (2002);

    • Administering a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database (2072), Bucuresti (2002);

    • Programming a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database (2073), Bucuresti (2002);

  • Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) and Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP), Politehnica University, Bucuresti (2003);

  • HP Open View Training Course, Bucuresti (2002);

  • International Course on projecting and using radio modems for Internet interconnections, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany (2000).

Participation at International Conferences

  • 2nd NATO Clearing House on Defense Education for the "Defence Education Enhancement Programme", NATO ACT HQ, Norfolk VA (June 2013)

  • 1st NATO Clearing House on Defense Education for the "Defence Education Enhancement Programme", NATO HQ, Brussels (September 2012)

  • Security Sector Reform Working Group in collaboration with the Education Development Working Group - PfP Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes, NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany (July 2012)

  • Advanced Distributed Learning Working Group meetings - PfP Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes: Zurich (2007), Berna (2008), Sofia (2008), Chisinau (2010);

  • Course observer at NATO School's educational Resource Management Educational Programme, Oberammergau, Germany (2009);

  • International Conference The Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds, Washington D.C., USA (2008).